Security Services


The Majed Al-Dossary Group Security Division is leading Company in the field of security services in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have the stuff and expertise required by the work market, which contributed to our success all regions of the kingdom.Majed Al-Dossary Group  has hired training numbers taking into account in choosing them the need to have basic requirement  for security cadres mental fitness good biography religious observance security  guard experience  strength of characters punctually compliance with procedure  and instruction made by official  concerned persons


We Are in Majed Al-Dossary Group Security Services We strive to be a leading instruction lead to act witch integrity and give our customers exceptional value while maintaining a pleasant work environment promotes the moral value of work in the community and this means that we are committed to meet the requirements of our customers Creating a productive work environment Achieve Sustainable Close relationship with all our customers.


 Providing customer requirements with high quality efficiency and secure with work in a socially responsible manner


 Issuing permits special visitors –contractors –and public services providers

Regulation and control of the proceeding of traffic and follow the movements of personal  and cars

Means to prevent the fire safety detectors-warning –fire extinguishing equipment –doors and evacuation routes in case of emergency god forbid.

Preventing thefts (monitor and review the places prone to such incidents.

Inspection of devices security precaution and procedure necessary to do so.

Field Survey

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